Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Book of record from the Annual meeting of G.L.O.B.E.

Student Club G.L.O.B.E for environmental engineering students
The book of record for the Annual General Meeting of the G.L.O.B.E.

Date: 27th November 2009
Time: 3 pm
Place: TAMK, opposite to staff canteen

1. Opening of the meeting : 15.08 o’clock
People participating the meeting: Yoav Magen, Aino-Maija Kyykoski, Amine Khelia, You Zhou, Gareth James, Risto Mäennenä, Santtu Palokangas, Maria Moradi, Magdalena Gerlach, Kaisa Valkonen, Kaisa Kätkä, Vilhelmiina Harju

2. The election of the chairman and secretary for the meeting. The election of the inspectors (2) of the records.
Chairperson of the meeting: Aino-Maija Kyykoski
Secretary : Santtu Palokangas
2 Inspectors of records: Kaisa Valkonen, Amine Khelia.

3. Stating the legality and quorum of the meeting
(Globe is a part of Tamko, therefore the legality and quorum of the meeting is in order and taken care by Tamko.)
Balance of the Globe bank-account: 31,50 €, (to be confirmed by the accountant of Globe)

4. Approving of the meeting agenda

5. Representing the auditing, annual report and the statement of the accountants

6. Deciding of the confirmation of the auditing and allowing the discharge of liability for the board and other accountables.

7. Confirming the plan of action, estimates of revenue and expenditure and the amount of the joining- and membership fee
No membership fee for the year 2010.
Plan of action:
Keeping up the student activities for the Enve-Students.
Applying money from TAMKO (club assistance money and shit)
EU-money from
Erasmus-money for trips and shit.

8. The election of the chairperson of the board for 2010
Chairperson: Risto Mäennenä

9. The election of the vice- president and secretary of the board for 2010. Electing the other members for the board if wanted
Following persons will form the G.L.O.B.E-board for the year 2010

Vice Chairperson/Gardener: Magdalena Gerlach
Secretary: Kaisa Valkonen
GLOBE Godfather: Gareth James ( Gareth.james AT gmail.com )
Blog posting-persons / producer of content: Maria Moradi
Sports person/ Social bum: Santtu Palokangas
(Press officer, International affairs officer: => can be agreed later if wanted)
Chinese liaison: You Zhou

10. Open forum (plans for future!) Christmas party, globe blog, projects….
1) The flea market for TAMK-students, after christmas (march-april)
2) The football-match in April between first and the second year students.
->A participation fee: one case of beer/team, winner gets it all.
”PANEM ET CIRCENSES” – Bread and circus events
3) The Alumni-event in spring organized by GLOBE
4) A prom in the spring for the graduating students?
5) Globe 5-year gathering; History, people gathering together
6) Organic garden -project
7) Pre-christmas party :Who takes care of the organizing.
8) Gardening possibility for interested people this spring.
1 is in Ruotula, ask Magdalena Gerlach or Risto Mäennenä for more info.
11. Closing the meeting
Meeting closed 16.30
12. P.S. Someone find out what happened to the ”paper” issue…
=> the old chair person will tell and write about the ”paper” issue later on and yes, that should be asked at school from the personnel responsible. Also energy efficiency at school could be one GLOBE’s targets in near future.

Kiitos ja hyvää joulua!
Thank you and merry christmas.

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